Become a sponsor of the station to day for 50$ a year we will ad your company's logo the the sponsorships page and also show it in between shows when live streaming
or if you want to make a one time donation you can by useing the pay pall link below
what we use the money for is to help with the stations expenses i.e. equipment the station needs a camera badly right now the station is useing a 5 year old cell phone that only lasts for 2 hours before dyeing also the cell phone lacks the proper filters for outside recording i will so you a couple of screen shots the you can see the cell phone is inadequate
this screen shot is from Freddy And The Jets At Lincoln park july 21 2024 as you can see the band is extremely blurry and if you watch the video the audio was going up and down the audio did not stay at a even level but dont take my word on it just look at the video your self and watch the first song https://rumble.com/v580rfx-freddy-and-the-jets-at-lincoln-park-july-21-2024..html
the next screen shot is from The Larry Lewicki band At Lincoln park July 18 2024
the sun so bright behind the stage that it makes the video look foggy also makes the band members to be blacked out where you can only see there silhouettes
the station has other expenses ie the cost of gas to drive to and from events
our cell phone bill our spectrum studio internet ect
this station does not get franchise fees like the cable channels do so with out the publics help we are on our own we want to bring you better content so we need your help
the go fund me for a new camera is here https://gofund.me/a99099e6
paypal https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jeh01
wish list https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3GK2H2NY5B3EZ?ref_=wl_share